Industrial & Cosmetic Chemicals Draft Chemical Rules & Categorisation Guidelines
9 March 2018: An Exposure Draft of the Rules and Guidelines with Explanatory Notes is now available.
Consultation is open until 4 May.
Once finalised, the Rules will be made by the Minister, and the Categorisation Guidelines will be issued by the Executive Director of the new scheme. Together, with the Industrial Chemicals Bill 2017 (once enacted), these documents will form the Scheme for the Introduction of Industrial Chemicals in Australia.
NICNAS are seeking your comments on the legislative drafts.
The links to information on webpages follow:
- Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2018 (General Rules)
- Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines (Categorisation Guidelines)
- Industrial Chemicals (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Rules 2018 (Transitional Rules)
To download the above documents as pdf or doc files:
General Rules (86 pages, pdf or doc)
Notes on the draft General Rules (webpage)
These Notes (as a series of weblinks) are intended to help you understand processes and requirements set out in the General Rules for the purpose of this consultation. These Notes follow the same document structure as the General Rules. You will need to refer to the General Rules and Categorisation Guidelines when reading these Notes.
Categorisation Guidelines Note: (NICNAS inform us) the Categorisation Guidelines are best viewed as website pages. Each chapter can be printed, and larger sections can be downloaded as pdf documents..
Notes on the draft Categorisation Guidelines (webpage)
(NICNAS has) prepared supporting information to help you understand the process and requirements around categorisation of chemical introductions described in the draft General Rules and Categorisation Guidelines. These (Notes) are for consultations purposes and (NICNAS) recommend you read these materials if you are planning to provide feedback.
Chapter 1 — Definitions of terms in the General Rules (web)
Chapter 2 — Internationally-Assessed Introductions (web)
Chapter 3 — Hazard Bands (web with 6 further web links)
Chapter 4 — Human Health Risk by Exposure Bands
(web with 3 further web links)
Chapter 5 — Environment Risk by Exposure Band
(web with 5 further web links)
Chapter 6 — Specified Classes of Introduction
(web with 4 further web links)
Chapter 7 — Polymers of Low Concern (web)
Chapter 8 — Equivalent Test Guidelines (web)
Glossary (web covering Terms and Definitions in each doc)
Transitional Rules (48 pages, pdf or doc)
Notes on the draft Transitional Rules (webpage)
These Notes (as a series of weblinks) refer to each part of the Transitional Rules are to intended to help you understand the details and processes for the purposes of this consultation. These Notes should be read in conjunction with the Transitional Rules and CATP Bill.
NICNAS has some questions on the draft Transitional Rules:
- Are there any additional Transitional Arrangements that we need to include?
- Are the Transitional Arrangements set out in the Transitional Rules reasonable and practicable?
Consultation is open until 4 May.
Making a formal submission
Online: Upload a document with your written comments
Provide your comments directly online using this form